Skincare Part 2: You’re Not As Clean As You Think You Are

Skincare Part 2: You’re Not As Clean As You Think You Are

I haven’t soaped my face or my body in 10 days. 

TMI? Hate to break it to you, but I’ve probably been cleaner this past week than you’ve been.

The only thing I’ve been using on my skin is H2O and a special little 12”x12” cloth, the key to my new, deconstructed skin routine.

The results? Baby smooth, clearer skin and a LOAD of convenience. 

As someone who’s struggled a lot with acne, I’ve tried so many products, including the glycerin I blogged about first semester. Although that did wonders for keeping my skin moisturized and fending off acne, I still found myself breaking out sometimes out of nowhere. Blegh. With the countless different products I’d been using, I started wondering if it was just too much. Maybe my skin was just hypersensitive to chemicals… maybe it couldn’t take any. 

So, I did some research… and bought myself a Norwex body cloth.

For the first time in my acne-ridden high school career, I can say I have ZERO regrets with this skincare purchase. 

Here are 5 reasons why YOU should start using Norwex cloths:


1. Makeup remover, cleanser, and exfoliator in one?! No way.

YES WAY! I don’t typically wear makeup, but these microfiber cloths can be used to completely remove a full face of makeup, even waterproof mascara—with just water. Normally, I’d use micellar water to remove makeup, but using just water cuts down on the chemicals I’m putting on my face. 

science-y explanation of Baclock

What makes the cloth especially unique is that it contains what Norwex has coined “BacLock®,” which is a micro silver agent that “works with self-purification properties against the mold, fungi and bacterial odor within 24 hours so that it is ready to use again.” Unlike regular towels that accumulate bacteria and odor quickly, this cloth literally cleans itself so it can last longer between washes. 

I’d typically go for my Cetaphil cleanser next, but now all I do is soak my Norwex cloth in water and gently rub my face, being extra careful around the eye area. Wringing out the water allows it to transform into the most effective exfoliator I’ve EVER used. After drying my face, my skin always feels so so soo smooth.

2. Say bye-bye to body burden 

Let’s get science-y. I’d recommend checking out Norwex’s blog on body burden, but I’ll summarize it here for you. Body burden is “the alphabet soup of pollutants that accumulate in and contaminate our bodies.” It’s not just skin products that cause this. Everyone has body burden on some level. These toxins come from the environments we’re in on the daily; just touching laundry products or even dust accumulating in our rooms can make it worse. 

In terms of fighting acne, the #1 priority is keeping our faces clean. We can eat well and still break out if we aren’t cleaning well. That’s why the cloth is so crucial to me now; it was manufactured specifically to reduce the the amount of chemicals people put on their skin by providing a way for us to clean even better than we do with those chemicals. It reduces body burden and catalyzes the healing process for zits. 

3. Your wallet will thank you

Norwex’s cute coastal pack!

Norwex’s body cloth 3-pack isn’t cheap, sitting at $21.99. BUT, it’s so much cheaper in the long run. I no longer have to buy cleansers and exfoliators. The cloth does the job and will continue to do so for a long time, so I’m actually saving a lot of money. 

Another benefit to that is the convenience. Going on vacation? If you usually pack a ton of stuff for your skin like I do, using this cloth makes that list a lot shorter. It’s not just for the face, I use it for my body as well. No more body soap, just water. It saves a lot of room for other things in my luggage, and I’m definitely not complaining.

You might be wondering what makes using this cloth on the body so different from using a loofah, and it’s that loofahs are some of the most bacteria-attracting items in the household. Norwex cloths, as I mentioned before, have self-purifying capabilities that ensure that you aren’t just smearing bacteria all over your body.

4. Shaving with just water???

Ladies, here’s the GAME CHANGER. This one shocked me when I first learned of it. You can actually shave with only water if you use this cloth. Kick the shaving cream off the packing list. All you have to do is wet the cloth, rub the area you want to shave (no need for vigorous rubbing, 2-3 swipes is enough!), and shave just like you normally do! You won’t get nicked, trust me. Norwex cloths actually also reduce razor burn, so you don’t have to worry about that either. 

Razor burn happens when your hair grows back ingrown, right, but the cloth exfoliates your skin so well that that isn’t a problem. It’s insane. This cloth is the CEO of cleansing products, no joke. 

5. Environmentally sustainable!

didn’t know that, did ya?

It goes without saying, but a final benefit is using less chemical products makes these cloths environmentally friendly. A lot of exfoliators out there have microbeads that aren’t biodegradable (hence, they are banned in many countries now). Norwex also uses only natural, organic ingredients in their other personal care products. 

Beyond those products, Norwex also manufactures home items like reusable bags, cloth napkins made of recycled microfiber, and silicone containers to push for the reduction of waste in our everyday lives. 


I’m telling you, this thing is magic. I don’t know how you’re even living if you don’t have one of these, but if there’s one skincare product I’d recommend, it’s 100% this one. I know it seems a bit gross to not use soap, but the tech behind this cloth speaks for itself. Not to mention, I see and feel the difference. 

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts about not using ANY soap? Would you give this a try?

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